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2018. Woodcut Workshop, Otahuhu College, Auckland, New Zealand
2017. Woodcut Experimental Workshop, Protocol Gallery, Bulla Cubana Festival, Gainesville (FL), United States.
2010-2013. Experimental Lithography Art Workshop, Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana, Cuba.
2010. Lithography Art Workshop, Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro, Havana, Cuba
2010. KKV Workshops, Stockholm, Sweden.
2010-2012. Experimental Printmaking Techniques for children, Taller Coco, Havana, Cuba.
2009. Woodcut Experimental Workshop, Konstnärskrets Workshop, Södertälje, Sweden.
2008. Color Woodcut Workshop, Cinco de Septiembre Provincial Salon, Sociedad Gráfica de Cienfuegos, Cuba.
2006. Etching Workshop, Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro, Havana, Cuba
2003. Lithography Art Workshop, Holguín Art Academy, Cuba.
2003-2007. Woodcut and paperwork workshop, Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro, Havana, Cuba
2002. Community workshop for children and young people , Foundation of the New Latin American Cinema, Havana, Cuba.
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